A hispanic woman is looking over the work of her two diverse colleagues on a computer screen.

AI & Analytics

Experience Better, Faster eDiscovery

Lighthouse provides legal teams with the widest range of analytics options, including uniquely powerful AI that brings new scale and efficiency to the market. We design and deploy technology with a strict eye on getting you greater accuracy, agility, and ROI.

Technology Designed for the Results Legal Teams Need Most

Lower Review Volumes

AI-powered analysis brings responsiveness, privilege review, and other efforts down to size.

Less Risk

Automation, coding reuse, and other capabilities increase consistency and limit human error.

Reduced Cost

Enhanced accuracy and insights enable strategic use of reviewer time—in single matters and across your portfolio.

The Most Robust Analytics in eDiscovery

Our technology and expertise go deeper, on a wider range of activities, than any other eDiscovery partner. Our teams are experienced using Lighthouse Structured Analytics, Lighthouse AI, Brainspace, and Relativity Analytics.

Everyone else
Email threading
Communication visualization
ECA analytics
+ Linguistic modeling
+ Linguistic modeling
+ AI + Linguistic modeling
Traditional machine learning only
PII/PHI analytics
+ AI
Regex only
Privilege analytics
+ AI
Terms only
Multi-matter analytics
+ AI

Sophisticated Language Analysis to Supercharge Document Review

Lighthouse captures the nuances of human language through large language models and experts in legal linguistics.

AI with Large Language Models (LLMs)

Lighthouse AI is built with LLMs that analyze text at a near-human level, taking context and usage into account to weed out irrelevant instances of keywords and phrases and focus on hits that matter.

Hands-On Linguistic Modeling

Lighthouse legal linguists craft multi-layered search commands, working iteratively with case teams to refine criteria and surface only the most meaningful documents.

Using Lighthouse AI proved to be a 10x improvement in precision compared to other analytics tools.

— CJ Mahoney, Counsel and Global Head of eDiscovery and Litigation Technology, Cleary Gottlieb

AI Built for Modern eDiscovery Challenges

As data volumes keep growing in size and complexity, Lighthouse technology keeps pace with the scale and flexibility you need.

Analyze Modern Data Types

Lighthouse analytics for eDiscovery can handle modern data generated across the remote and hybrid workplace, including chat and collaboration data from:

Google Chat

Apple iMessage

Mobile/SMS Messaging


Microsoft Teams



Scale to Matters of Any Size

Some AI models break down with large datasets. Lighthouse AI uses deep learning that can handle matters large and small—even matters where the dataset changes midstream.

Reach Beyond Single Matters

Lighthouse AI gains insights from every matter you use it on. This enables you to improve the accuracy of classifiers over time, reuse coding decisions when documents arise in multiple matters, and identify patterns that help you strategize future reviews.

Clients that utilize this power of AI have achieved incredible results.

Lighthouse technology is superior—because we built it that way.

Read the case study

Security and Privacy at the Core

All Lighthouse technology is designed to uphold the integrity, confidentiality, and security of your data. We deploy models in a private setting and evaluate data in isolation, with no chance of cross-contamination. We leverage the latest encryption techniques, anonymize data whenever feasible, and adhere to best data handling and AI deployment practices.

An African American man uses multiple screens to code search queries.
A man and a woman review their reports on a table with smiles.

Trust and Transparency at Every Step

Understanding which AI models were applied, to which document, and at what point in time, is imperative to maintain an accountable process with reliable outcomes. Our eDiscovery analytics consultants work with you to determine the right mix of AI and other technology, answer your questions, and help defend our analytics-enabled workflows as needed.

Human Expertise x Technological Power

The best results come from a balanced use of artificial and human intelligence. Our workflows direct technology toward bulk and routine tasks, so that experts can devote more time and attention on intricate and subtle analysis, decisions, and strategy.

This balance helps mitigate the potential pitfalls of over-automation, incorrect legal interpretations, ethical dilemmas, and AI bias. It also enables people and technology to grow even more effective at what each does best.

An African American man uses multiple screens to code search queries.

Leading the Way in Innovation and Impact

2015: Established in-house analytics team

2019: Launched first AI-based classifier built with large language models (LLMs)

2021: Acquired advanced review alternative capabilities

2021: Launched key document identification solution

2021: Launched AI-enabled TAR solution for Second Requests

2023: Launched Managed Review practice that complements our analytics

First LLM-powered TAR Approved by the DOJ and FTC

Since 2019


Documents Analyzed


Clients Supported



Learn How Lighthouse AI & Analytics Helps Clients

Connecting Matters for Better, Faster eDiscovery

Simplifying Complex Multi-District Document Review

Lighthouse AI and Analytics Drive Unprecedented Savings Across Multiple Matters

Get in Touch

Want to learn more about our AI & Analytics? Fill out the form and a team member will be back with you shortly.

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