A diverse group of professionals looking over paperwork and smiling.

Early Case Assessment

AI Techniques for Locating Responsive Items and Reducing Data


Document Reduction Using Search Term Analysis


Document Reduction with ECA + TAR Workflows

Early case assessment (ECA) is one of the most critical components of any investigation or litigation—what you find (or don’t find) during ECA can determine your strategy for the matter and your approach to eDiscovery. Lighthouse data reduction services use ECA workflows and purpose-built analytic and search technology powered by unique expertise to target only the most relevant data for your review.

Speed to

Quickly uncover critical insights and know more about your case or investigation before you get to review.

Downstream Cost Savings

Minimize review costs through intelligent data reduction and strategic workflow optimization.

Data Quality for Analytics

Ensure precise, actionable insights through sophisticated data filtering and analysis.

Early Case Assessment Workflows for Better Strategy

Minimize data volumes upstream to drive down associated hosting and review costs. Lighthouse uses methods such as keyword consultation, concept search, timeline and custodian analysis, search-hit analysis, and sampling to get to the information you need. We leverage a combination of third-party technologies and proprietary Lighthouse AI solutions for culling documents in a review repository.

Automated Processing


Ingest, load, and deduplicate for up to 25% reduction in your doc set, right away.


Culling & Search Term Iteration

Our customized search further reduces the review population, often by up to 90%.


An Upgrade to Analytics

Get better results with linguistically-informed email threading, names normalization, and more.

More Solutions for Data Assessment

Historically-Informed Early Document Insights

When you use Lighthouse AI across multiple matters (or your entire portfolio), your classifiers can do a precursory analysis of your dataset. Get early insights on the types of documents likely contained in the matter to support review strategy. Examples of AI insights include:

  • Number of likely privileged documents
  • Amount of likely PII
  • Overlap with other matters that have already been coded
  • Which custodians have the most privilege/confidential documents
A young professional smiles and gives testimony on the stand in a court room.

Early Case Document Assessment

Quickly evaluate the feasibility, impact, and risk of your case. Early intelligence from linguistic analysis and powerful technology gives you the insights necessary for business-critical decisions in any legal matter. By combining cutting-edge tools with expert search strategies, we transform ECA from probable trends to a narrative with supporting documents.

ECA in Action

A senior executive was accused of providing preferential treatment to a vendor their employer was on the brink of acquiring.

In only 10 days, Lighthouse found 90 documents containing the information the company needed to verify the allegations.

Learn more about Key Document Identification

Get in Touch

The clock is ticking on case strategy. Move faster with Lighthouse ECA workflows. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you soon.

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