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Get More from Relativity Server with Lighthouse

Enhance Your Review Experience with Pro Services and Integrations

You’re fully committed to using industry-best review, and so is Lighthouse. As a Relativity Certified Partner of 15 years and one of the first Certified Partners to offer Relativity as our primary review platform, Lighthouse strives to make Relativity review the best possible experience for our users.

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Relativity-Certified Expertise

Our partnership is reinforced by the Relativity-certified expertise throughout our service delivery groups.


Total Relativity Certifications



Relativity Certified Administrators


Relativity Analytics Specialists


Relativity Experts


Relativity Masters

Services That Support Your Relativity Reviewers

Lighthouse expertise and innovation make the best-in-class Relativity review experience even better. Leverage full-service eDiscovery for better data handling across the life of your matter.

Automated Processing

Proprietary data filtering steps built on top of Nuix processing ensure that your data is optimized and quality-assured going into review.

Software Updates

Our team evaluates, tests, plans, and executes complex Relativity Server upgrades, ensuring compatibility and coverage for active matters.

Professional Services

From review accelerators like key document identification to professional services including managed review, get seamless access to expertise that helps your case.

Self-Service Data Orchestration

Take advantage of self-service case setup and skip the queue for routine matters. Upload case data, set global permissions, process, and deliver to Relativity all in one platform. And, Spectra’s native file management tool for Relativity enables you to review text and metadata before you load natives into Relativity—so you don’t pay to host unnecessary files.

Learn more about self-service with Lighthouse Spectra

Relativity remains the premier review platform for legal teams everywhere, and Lighthouse is proud to be a longtime partner and provider. As Relativity innovates, we are committed to working in lockstep to understand new features, provide user feedback for future development, and ultimately give clients a consistent, value-added Relativity experience.

Iram Arras

Executive Director, Product Management

Lighthouse is a RelOne Partner

In addition to offering Relativity Server as our standard review platform, Lighthouse also supports RelOne in both full-service and Platform as a Service implementations.

Learn more about our partnership with RelativityOne

Talk to a Relativity Partnership Expert

Want to learn more? Fill out the form and a Lighthouse expert will contact you to set up a consultation.

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