Case Studies

We work with our clients to solve complex data problems, address compliance and privacy challenges, and achieve better legal outcomes. Read the case studies.

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April 1, 2023
Case Study
Case-Study, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, self-service, spectra, Spectra, energy-industry, analytics, ediscovery-review

Energy Company Saves Hundreds of Hours with the Right Combination of Technology and Human Expertise

A leading energy company gained the flexibility to use self-service technology and full-service expertise as needed, reducing costs and optimizing outcomes. Key Actions A multinational energy company sought eDiscovery efficiency and scalability A seamless combination of self-service Lighthouse Spectra eDiscovery and full-service Lighthouse consulting enabled them to meet a wide range of needs Minor matters can be addressed with low-cost self-service tools A full-service Lighthouse team applies in-depth review expertise to complex matters Key Results $50,000 year-over-year cost reduction 100+ hours freed for matter-critical work Flexibility to meet varying matter requirements Training improved speed and accuracy of self-service eDiscovery What They Needed A multinational energy company wanted to stop relying on an expensive patchwork of third-party eDiscovery providers and adopt a unified, cost-effective strategy. It sought transparent pricing and self-service access to the latest technology, including Relativity and Brainspace. At the same time, it needed a consistent team of experienced eDiscovery and review experts for more in-depth needs. How We Did It Lighthouse listened closely as the company described its desire for greater scalability and efficiency. We proposed a seamless combination of self-service capabilities on the Lighthouse Spectra platform and a dedicated full-service team for complex matters. This proven, flexible approach minimizes cost for minor matters while ensuring available capacity and expertise for complex projects. The Lighthouse Spectra support team accelerated onboarding through technical assistance and training. After completing a proof of concept, the client immediately began ingesting matters into Spectra. At the same time, we assembled a dedicated full-service team to be ready when needed. The Results Using the intuitive, familiar Lighthouse Spectra experience—incorporating Relativity and Brainspace functionality—the client rapidly discovered and reviewed data for internal investigations, subpoenas, and other minor matters. They no longer needed to license and manage Relativity and Brainspace separately, benefitting from a predictable, fixed-fee pricing model that fits their budget and scales to meet their needs. The Lighthouse team simplified data processing and exception handling, freeing resources to focus on strategic aspects of a given matter. As soon as a case warranted, they could triage it to the full-service team directly from the Spectra workspace. The result is a more responsive, cost-effective eDiscovery strategy, saving the company hundreds of hours and almost $50,000. Corporate Case Studycase-study; corporate; corporation; ediscovery; self-service, spectra; spectra; energy-industry; analyticsediscovery-review; client-success; lighting-the-path-to-better-ediscoveryCase-Study, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, self-service, spectra, Spectra, energy-industry, analytics, ediscovery-review
February 1, 2023
Case Study
Case-Study, client-success, Antitrust, eDiscovery, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, artificial-intelligence, AI, Acquisitions, analytics, predictive-coding, Prism, privilege, privilege-review, name-normalization, microsoft, Emerging-Data-Sources, digital forensics, collections, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust, chat-and-collaboration-data

Global Law Firm Partners with Lighthouse to Save Millions During Government Investigation

Lighthouse partners with a global law firm to meet a 60-day production deadline for an 11.5 million-document population, saving the firm millions. What They Needed A global law firm was representing a large analytics company being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for antitrust activity. The company faced an extremely aggressive production deadline—approximately 60 days to collect, review, and produce responsive documents from an initial data population of roughly 11.5M. How We Did It The firm partnered with Lighthouse to create a workflow to execute multiple work streams simultaneously (collections, processing, TAR, privilege review, and logging) to ensure the company could meet the production deadline. Lighthouse expert teams managed the entire process, implementing daily standup calls and facilitating communication between all stakeholders to ensure that each workflow was executed correctly and on time. Lighthouse clients that leverage our AI technology to its full potential can realize even more cost savings and efficiency. For example, in this case, this global law firm would have seen the removal of close to 420K documents from privilege review that our AI accurately (as verified in the qc process) deemed to be highly unlikely or unlikely to be privilege. The Lighthouse team also provided strategic and defensible review methods to attack data volume and increase overall efficiency throughout the project. This included Technology Assisted Review (TAR) and email thread suppression in combination with our proprietary AI-technology and privilege log application. The different work streams that Lighthouse designed and executed to reduce the time, burden, and expense of review included: Lighthouse Forensic Collection : Lighthouse’s dedicated expert forensic team implemented a workflow to perform all initial collections, as well as all refresh collections across M365 mailboxes, Teams data, OneDrive, and SharePoint. TAR 1.0 : Lighthouse implemented predictive coding via a TAR 1.0 workflow to systematically find and remove non-relevant documents in a defensible manner. Not relevant documents that fell below the cutoff score were removed from the review population to reduce privilege review. Non-TAR Review : A detailed file analysis was conducted on documents that could not be scored via the TAR model by Lighthouse experts to remove non-responsive documents from eyes-on responsiveness review. Email Threading : Once TAR 1.0 reached stability and a cutoff score was achieved, Lighthouse applied email thread suppression on the documents above the cutoff score to further decrease privilege review and the production set overall. Managing Teams data : The Lighthouse team leveraged our proprietary chat tool to deduplicate Microsoft Teams data. Using the tool, the team stitched Teams messages back together in a format that allowed outside counsel to easily see the conversation in totality (e.g., who was part of the thread, who entered/left the chat room, who said what, at what time, etc.). The tool then integrated and threaded chat messages with search and filtering capabilities for review directly in Relativity. Privilege Review : Even as collections, TAR 1.0, email threading, and document review workflows were ongoing, the Lighthouse advanced analytics team leveraged technology in combination with their expertise to drastically reduce the privilege review set and guard against inadvertent production of privileged documents: Lighthouse Strategic Privilege Reduction : Lighthouse data reduction experts worked with outside counsel to analyze the data to identify large categories of documents that could be safely removed from privilege review, such as two large tranches of calendar items that were pulled into the privilege review. Lighthouse also ran a separate header-only privilege screen across and located a pattern in the privilege hits, which outside counsel confirmed were not privileged and removed from privilege review. AI-enabled Privilege QC : To minimize risk and increase efficiency of privilege review, Lighthouse deployed our advanced AI-technology, which uses multiple algorithms to analyze the text and metadata of documents, enabling highly accurate privilege predictions. First, it analyzed the entire review workspace and identified additional privileged documents that were not picked up by the conventional privileged screen approach. Then, the tool was utilized in privilege review QC workflows where it helped reviewers overturn first and second level privilege calls. Privilege logging application : Lighthouse also leveraged our privilege logging application to automate privilege log generation, saving outside counsel significant time and driving consistent work product in creating their privilege log. The Results Lighthouse forensic collection collected roughly 11.5M documents from more than 600 unique datasets and over 90 custodians, spanning M365 mailboxes, Teams data, OneDrive, and SharePoint sources. Lighthouse’s TAR 1.0 workflow then dramatically reduced the document population for privilege review, ultimately removing over 6M documents in full families from review, thereby delivering a savings of nearly $6.2M. The Lighthouse team’s detailed file analysis of non-TAR universe resulted in an additional 640K files removed from responsiveness review—encompassing close to a 90% reduction in the non-TAR review volume and delivering a savings of roughly $640K. Our email thread suppression process then removed another 1.1M documents from review (for a savings of $1.1M), while the Lighthouse proprietary chat tool removed over 63K Teams items and generated over 200K coherent transcript families from 1.3M individual messages. Law Firm Case Studycase-study; antitrust; ediscovery; tar; tar-predictive-coding; law-firm; hsr-second-requests; investigations; mergers; ai-and-analytics; ai-big-data; artificial-intelligence; ai; acquisitions; analytics; predictive-coding; prism; privilege; privilege-review; name-normalization; microsoft; emerging-data-sources; forensics; collectionsediscovery-review; ai-and-analytics; antitrust; chat-and-collaboration-data; client-successCase-Study, client-success, Antitrust, eDiscovery, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, artificial-intelligence, AI, Acquisitions, analytics, predictive-coding, Prism, privilege, privilege-review, name-normalization, microsoft, Emerging-Data-Sources, digital forensics, collections, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust, chat-and-collaboration-data
February 1, 2023
Case Study
Case-Study, client-success, AI, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, eDiscovery-Migration, Prism, Processing, Project-Management, Healthcare, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics

Lighthouse Uses AI to Complete a Seamless, Customized Data Migration

Lighthouse's proprietary AI technology solves a unique data deduplication challenge while migrating over 25 terabytes for an extensive healthcare system. Key Results In 5 months, Lighthouse migrated four databases—with 25 TBs of data—all while keeping the databases active for review and production for current matters. Leveraging our AI technology, Lighthouse created an innovative solution for a large volume of Lotus Notes files originally processed as HTML files by a legacy processing tool. This solution ensured that any new Lotus Notes files would deduplicate against the migrated data, regardless of the file type or the tool used for processing. A Challenging Data Deduplication Problem A large healthcare system had been hosting its data (over 25 TBs of data across four databases) on another vendor’s platform for nearly a decade. The company knew it was time to modernize its eDiscovery program with Lighthouse. In order to do so, all 25 TBs would need to be migrated over to Lighthouse for hosting and future processing. However, in addition to data migration, the company also had a unique deduplication challenge due to the previous vendor’s original processing tool. The company’s data had originally been processed with the vendor’s legacy processing tool—which processed Lotus Notes data as HTML files, rather than the more modern EML version. The prior processing of these files into an HTML format meant that whenever duplicate Lotus Notes files were added to the database and processed using a more modern processing tool, those EML files would not deduplicate against the older HTML files in the databases. With over half their data consisting of Lotus Note files processed by the older tool in HTML format, the company was concerned that this issue would significantly increase review cost and slow down review time. Thus, in addition to the overall migration process, the company came to Lighthouse with an unfortunate Catch-22: in order to modernize its processing and eDiscovery capabilities, it was losing the ability to deduplicate a majority of its data with each new ingestion. Lighthouse Migration Expertise Because of the volume of new clients moving to Lighthouse for eDiscovery support, Lighthouse has developed an entire practice group dedicated to data migration. This group is adept at creating customized solutions to the unique challenges that often arise when migrating data out of legacy systems. The team works closely with each client to understand the scope, types of data, challenges, and future needs so that the data migration process is seamless and efficient. The Lighthouse migration team quickly got to work gathering information from the healthcare company to start this process, paying particular attention to the Lotus Notes deduplication issue. Once all relevant information was gathered, Lighthouse worked with stakeholders from the organization to form a comprehensive migration plan that minimized workflow disruption and included a detailed schedule and workflow for future data. In the process, Lighthouse also developed a custom solution for the Lotus Notes issue using our proprietary AI technology. An Innovative Solution: Lighthouse AI Lighthouse’s advanced AI technology can create a unique hash value for all data, no matter how it was originally processed. The Lighthouse migration team leveraged this innovative technology to create a unique hash value for the Lotus Notes files that were originally processed as HTML files. That hash value could then be matched against any new Lotus Notes files that were added to the database by the company, even when those files were processed as EML files. With this proprietary workflow, the healthcare company was able to seamlessly move to Lighthouse’s eDiscovery platform, which was better equipped to serve its eDiscovery needs—without losing the ability to deduplicate its data. Set Up for Success In just five months, Lighthouse completed a seamless migration of the healthcare company’s data by creating a custom migration plan that minimized blackouts and kept all databases up and running. Importantly, Lighthouse also leveraged its proprietary AI to create an innovative solution to a complex problem, ensuring continued deduplication capability and reduced discovery costs. ‍ Corporate Case Studycase-study; ai; ai-and-analytics; ai-big-data; corporate; corporation; ediscovery; ediscovery-migration; prism; processing; project-management; healthcareediscovery-review; ai-and-analytics; client-successCase-Study, client-success, AI, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, eDiscovery-Migration, Prism, Processing, Project-Management, Healthcare, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics
February 1, 2023
Case Study
Antitrust, Case-Study, document-review, eDiscovery, fact-finding, KDI, key-document-identification, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, Acquisitions, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust

Finding the Keys to a Strategic Defense in a Second Request

Lighthouse proprietary, technology-enabled strategy for finding key documents gives counsel a strategic advantage in a challenging HSR Second Request. Key Results In just three weeks, the Lighthouse team found the 1K most important documents out of an initial data population of 19M documents. Lighthouse experts began flowing key documents to the case team just three days after the initial kickoff meeting. Lighthouse saved counsel at least a month’s worth of preparation time for witness interviews and defense planning by efficiently finding the most important documents. A Mountain of Data and a Short Timeline A global technology company and their two outside counsel teams needed to quickly prepare a winning defense in a high-stakes, time-sensitive, Department of Justice (DOJ) Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Second Request. To do so, they would have to identify and review all potentially damaging (or alternatively, helpful) documents within an initial data population of 19M documents. Finding the most important documents within that massive data volume—in less than one month—presented a Herculean task. A Proprietary Solution for Finding the Most Important Documents Lighthouse’s technology-enabled search strategy is led by information retrieval experts with decades of industry experience, who utilize robust search technologies that support large data volumes beyond industry-standard tools. Together, this combination of cutting-edge technology and data expertise quickly surfaces critical documents, streamlining legal analysis and case preparation for case teams. Handing Over the Keys to a Strategic Defense With no time to lose, Lighthouse TAR and review experts were able to whittle down the 19M documents to just over 990K responsive documents for production to meet substantial compliance. Simultaneously, Lighthouse experts quickly got to work finding the most important documents for the case team. Rather than relying on keyword culling, the Lighthouse team analyzed the data population and leveraged proprietary algorithms to safely reduce the universe to documents that contained the unique content the case team needed. From there, a team of six data retrieval experts leveraged proprietary search technology and institutional knowledge of the client’s data, gleaned from working with the company in a managed services capacity, to find key documents that were critical to the case team. Our experts used an iterative process and had weekly meetings with the case team so that they could instantly integrate counsel and witness feedback throughout the project, which helped yield more accurate search results. With this process, the Lighthouse team began flowing key documents to the case team just three days after the initial kickoff meeting. Over the course of the next three weeks, the Lighthouse team provided a total 1K key documents (out of a 990K responsive documents) in eight rolling deliveries. By gaining immediate access to these documents and eliminating the need for time-consuming and costly manual review, Lighthouse saved the team at least a month’s worth of preparation time for witness interviews and defense preparation. Law Firm Case Studyantitrust; case-study; document-review; ediscovery; fact-finding; kdi; key-document-identification; tar; tar-predictive-coding; law-firm; hsr-second-requests; investigations; mergers; acquisitionsediscovery-review; ai-and-analytics; antitrust; client-successAntitrust, Case-Study, document-review, eDiscovery, fact-finding, KDI, key-document-identification, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, Acquisitions, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust
January 15, 2023
Case Study
Case-Study, client-success, Corporate, Corporation, digital forensics, investigations, collections, fraud-detection, Red-Flag-Reporting, Departing-Onboarding-Employee, digital forensics

Lighthouse Secure IP On-Demand Services Prevent Proprietary Data Theft by Exiting Employee

Lighthouse red flag report prevents proprietary data from being taken by departing employee. Key Actions A global company partnered with Lighthouse to create a proactive departing employee program to prevent data loss and theft. Lighthouse forensics experts prepared Red Flag Reports for every departing employee that fell within a specific category of employees. Each report outlined the risks associated with the departing employee based on a skilled forensic examination of their activity and data. Soon after implementing the program, a Lighthouse Red Flag Report alerted the company to suspicious activity by a departing employee indicating a high risk for data loss. Key Results Because of Lighthouse’s analysis and quick response, the company was able to: Prevent sensitive data from being disseminated outside the company. Avoid costly litigation associated with proprietary data loss. Reevaluate the departing employee’s severance package due to breach of contract, resulting in additional cost savings. ‍ What They Needed A global company was dealing with an increased risk of data loss and theft from departing employees. The company retains large volumes of proprietary data spread across their entire data landscape. Much of that data is also highly sensitive and would create a competitive disadvantage for the company if it were to end up in competitors’ hands. The company was also facing a higher volume of employee turnover—especially within roles that had access to the company’s most sensitive data (e.g., company executive and management roles). The company was concerned that these factors were creating a perfect storm for data theft and loss. They realized they needed a better system to catch instances of proprietary data loss before any data left the company. Company stakeholders reached out to Lighthouse because they knew our forensics team could help them build a proactive, repeatable solution for analyzing and reporting on departing employee activity. How We Did It Lighthouse forensics experts worked with the company to create a custom departing employee program for data loss prevention. With this program, Lighthouse experts prepared a Red Flag Report for every departing employee that fell within specified high-risk categories (e.g., employees above a specific seniority level, or employees that had access to highly sensitive company data, etc.). Each Red Flag Report was prepared by a Lighthouse forensics expert and summarized the data theft risk associated with the underlying employee. Every report contained: A high-level summary of the risk of data theft presented by the employee. A collection of attachments with highlights and comments by the Lighthouse forensics examiner (for example, a list of files stored in an employee’s personal cloud storage account, with an explanation of why that activity may indicate a higher risk of data theft). A forensic artifact categorization with associated risk ratings (e.g., if there were no suspicious search terms found during a scan of the employee’s Google search history, the examiner assigned that category a lower risk rating of “1”). Recommended next steps, with options for substantiating high-risk employee behavior. Reports were delivered to a cross-functional group of company stakeholders, including IT, human resources, and legal groups. The Results The Lighthouse program very quickly paid off for the company. Soon after initiation, Lighthouse escalated a Red Flag Report for a departing employee that showed a high risk of data loss. Specifically, the Lighthouse forensics examiner flagged that the employee had connected two different external thumb drives containing sensitive company data to their laptop. This activity was flagged by the Lighthouse forensics examiner as high risk because: The employee had already been directed by the company to return any device that had corporate data saved on it; and The employee had previously indicated that they didn’t have any devices to return. As soon as Lighthouse escalated the Red Flag Report, company stakeholders scheduled an interview with the employee. This interview resulted in the employee admitting that they had taken corporate data with them, via the two thumb drives. Because Lighthouse was able to quickly flag the employee’s suspicious activity, the company was able to retrieve the thumb drives before the proprietary data was disseminated to a competitor. The company was also able to reevaluate the employee’s severance package due to the breach of company policy, resulting in a significant cost saving. Even more importantly, the company now has a proven, proactive, and customized solution for preventing data loss and theft by departing employees—implemented by Lighthouse’s highly skilled forensics team. ‍ Corporate Case Studycase-study; corporate; corporation; forensics; investigations; collections; fraud-detection; red-flag-reporting; departing-onboarding-employeedigital forensics; client-successCase-Study, client-success, Corporate, Corporation, digital forensics, investigations, collections, fraud-detection, Red-Flag-Reporting, Departing-Onboarding-Employee, digital forensics
January 1, 2023
Case Study
Case-Study, client-success, Antitrust, eDiscovery, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, artificial-intelligence, AI, Acquisitions, analytics, PII, PHI, predictive-coding, Prism, privilege, privilege-review, name-normalization, HIPAA-PHI, Healthcare, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust

Global Law Firm Cuts 3M Documents to 440K, Achieving HSR Second Request Compliance in 11 Weeks

Lighthouse analytics reduce responsive review by 80% and privilege review by 45%. What They Needed On behalf of a healthcare technology company, a law firm needed to review more than 3 million documents in 11 weeks under a Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Second Request. Broad search terms meant more than 50 percent of the data population was potentially privileged. How Lighthouse Did It Reducing the Responsive Set and Identifying Privilege Lighthouse used a proven, court-approved technology-assisted review (TAR) approach to minimize costly and error-prone human review. Lighthouse technology quickly integrated Skype and Microsoft Teams chat data into the TAR workflow. Subject matter experts from outside counsel coded document sets to train the AI-powered models. Separate models were used to reduce the responsive set and to perform privilege detection. Once the models were trained, they rapidly and accurately analyzed the entire population of documents, achieving a recall rate of 76 percent and a precision rate of 79 percent. During privilege review, documents on which humans and models disagreed were routed to second-level privilege review. After this quality control step, Lighthouse applied its privilege log and name normalization software, helping outside counsel produce the final privilege log faster. Identifying Sensitive Data Lighthouse created regular expressions, which were used in conjunction with AI to find documents containing protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII), which were then marked for redaction without manual review. Lighthouse AI technology also identified potentially toxic communications and flagged them for additional review before production. Results 80 percent reduction in the responsive set, eliminating 1.3 million documents 51 percent reduction in eyes-on review for PII/PHI Eliminated manual review of chat data Identified toxic communications for review before production, typically impossible in Second Request reviews 45 percent reduction in privilege review Identified 55 percent of privilege QC documents incorrectly coded by human reviewers 19,000 documents added to the privilege log efficiently and accurately using Lighthouse technology Law Firm Case Studycase-study; antitrust; ediscovery; tar; tar-predictive-coding; law-firm; hsr-second-requests; investigations; mergers; ai-and-analytics; ai-big-data; artificial-intelligence; ai; acquisitions; analytics; pii; phi; predictive-coding; prism; privilege; privilege-review; name-normalization; hipaa-phi; healthcareediscovery-review; ai-and-analytics; antitrust; client-successCase-Study, client-success, Antitrust, eDiscovery, TAR, TAR-Predictive-Coding, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, ai-and-analytics, AI-Big-Data, artificial-intelligence, AI, Acquisitions, analytics, PII, PHI, predictive-coding, Prism, privilege, privilege-review, name-normalization, HIPAA-PHI, Healthcare, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust
December 1, 2022
Case Study
Case-Study, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, self-service, spectra, Spectra, ai-and-analytics, analytics, Processing, TAR-Predictive-Coding, technology-assisted-review, TAR, Healthcare, ediscovery-review

Fortune 500 Company Saves $500K+ with New In-House eDiscovery Software

Lighthouse Spectra helps a considerable healthcare organization gain control, pricing transparency, and efficiency gains in the eDiscovery process. What They Needed A large healthcare organization was looking to solve their eDiscovery challenges around speed and cost. Specifically, they needed to increase their overall efficiency, and have more control over their matters with truly transparent and lower ediscovery-related costs. How We Did It Lighthouse Spectra was chosen to help achieve these key goals. Spectra is a self-service, on-demand eDiscovery tool with a transparent subscription-based pricing model. Spectra users can also access a full-time project management team at Lighthouse, whenever needed – all for one predictable price. Spectra onboarding was tailored to the users’ needs and focused on teaching users how to use Spectra itself, as well as when and how to use Brainspace, an analytics engine available inside the platform. Since Spectra is built with an intuitive interface, it only took a few short trainings over the course of a few weeks for the users to become comfortable using it. The Lighthouse team also ensured that Relativity and Spectra were customized to the organization’s specific needs. Our teams ensured that all customized permissions and views were set up within Relativity and worked with the organization to create custom Relativity templates to apply their standard coding pallets, rule-based coding propagations, pre-baked saved searches, standard views/layouts, imaging profiles, and more. Additionally, the Lighthouse team also assisted in building a continuous multi-model learning (CMML) workflow for their team to leverage within Spectra. Once set up was complete, the organization immediately started leveraging Spectra to process their data and run search terms as needed on a variety of diverse case types, including labor and employment cases, internal investigations, and OIG requests. The Results By moving to Spectra, the healthcare organization gained more control over their eDiscovery processes, created more efficient workflows, and achieved significant cost savings with transparent and predictable pricing. Since deploying the tool, the organization found that using the search and analytics capabilities of Spectra reduced the volume of natives to just 4.5% of the total hosted volume, minimizing the count of documents being reviewed by 95%. The custom Relativity template prevents the need to reinvent the wheel with each new matter and drive consistency across their portfolio. Further, the CMML workflow allows the organization to prioritize review of documents that are most likely to be responsive, as well as minimize the number of documents that go to review. Both of these enhancements allowed the organization to increase their overall speed from collection to production while lowering their overall eDiscovery-related costs. Through these new workflows and processes, the healthcare organization has achieved both defensibility and affordability and reduced review time from days to hours. This has resulted in an overall savings of $500K in their first year with Spectra.\ Corporate Case Studycase-study; corporate; corporation; ediscovery; self-service, spectra; spectra; ai-and-analytics; analytics; processing; tar-predictive-coding; technology-assisted-review; tar; healthcareediscovery-review; client-successCase-Study, Corporate, Corporation, eDiscovery, self-service, spectra, Spectra, ai-and-analytics, analytics, Processing, TAR-Predictive-Coding, technology-assisted-review, TAR, Healthcare, ediscovery-review
October 7, 2022
Case Study
Case-Study, client-success, document-review, eDiscovery, fact-finding, KDI, key-document-identification, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, Acquisitions, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust

Law Firm Equipped with 35 Deposition Kits, At or Before DOJ Deadlines, for Massive Antitrust Investigation

Lighthouse experts distilled crucial information from millions of produced documents for a client's legal strategy during a Department of Justice investigation. Key Actions Lighthouse created 35 deposition kits by conducting two large-scale data investigations—and addressing multiple ad-hoc emergency investigations in the process—on an initial production set of six million documents, identifying the 4,100 most relevant items. Lighthouse adhered to a complex delivery schedule so the case team had time to prepare for each deposition. ‍ Key Results Counsel was well-prepared for 35 depositions using the deposition kits delivered by Lighthouse. Instead of spending time and review cycles finding they evidence, they used the bandwidth they saved to hone their legal strategy. ‍ Responding to a Fast-Moving Government Investigation, with a Merger on the Line When two of the largest publishing companies in the country entered a merger deal, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reacted with a large anti-trust investigation. Pursuant to an HSR Second Request, the companies produced a combined six million documents to the DOJ. In response, the DOJ sought to depose 35 individuals within a few months’ time. This left outside counsel with just two months to prepare for the defense of a massive potential merger, including intensive preparation for all 35 depositions. To do so, they knew they would need to find every shred of relevant information hidden within those six million documents—as quickly as possible. Executing a Plan for Better Legal Strategy When the law firm reached out to Lighthouse for help, our agile search team of analytic, legal, and linguistic experts immediately got to work, consulting with counsel to understand the specifics of the investigation, as well as the case team’s initial strategy for response. Using this background, the Lighthouse team mapped out a information search plan leveraging advanced volume reduction technologies and linguistic search models, delivering: Comprehensive deposition kits for all 35 deponents. Each kit was scheduled to be delivered well ahead of the corresponding deposition date, and included summaries of Lighthouse experts’ findings and highlights of notable documents and facts, in order to give counsel adequate time to prepare for each deposition. Key and relevant documents related to the DOJ’s anti-trust concerns and outside counsel’s defense strategies. These documents, provided on a rolling timeline, were uncovered by conducting two large scale data investigations: one to find all documents related to determining which publishers participated in or won the auctions, and another to find all documents necessary to facilitate the creation of an all-encompassing book auction timeline. Given the legal and analytic expertise of our specialists, Lighthouse search results often uncovered new areas of importance for the case team. When the case team responded to this new information with urgent follow-up search requests (with results sometimes needed in 24 – 48 hours), our team also boosted efforts to provide the requested information. Powering Counsel with Knowledge—and Time By partnering with Lighthouse, the case team stayed focused on preparing for depositions and crafting a response to the DOJ’s concerns to the merger, instead of conducting database searches and reviewing irrelevant or redundant documents. In just two months, Lighthouse found and delivered the 4,100 documents the case team needed, out of an initial population of six million documents. This included creation and delivery of 35 deposition preparation kits, all documents related to the case team’s strategy for responding to the DOJ’s antitrust concerns (delivered on a rolling basis), and results of six ad hoc case team investigation requests. All deposition kit and derivative search deliveries met or exceeded counsel’s delivery deadline expectations. Law Firm Case Studycase-study; document-review; ediscovery; fact-finding; kdi; key-document-identification; law-firm; hsr-second-requests; investigations; mergers; acquisitionsediscovery-review; ai-and-analytics; antitrust; client-successCase-Study, client-success, document-review, eDiscovery, fact-finding, KDI, key-document-identification, Law-Firm, HSR-Second-Requests, investigations, Mergers, Acquisitions, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analytics, antitrust