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Self-Service eDiscovery for Corporations: Three Tips for a Successful Implementation

Given the proliferation of data and evolving variety of data sources, in-house counsel teams are beginning to exhaust resources managing increasingly complex case data. self-service, spectra eDiscovery legal technology offers a compelling solution. Consider the impact of inefficiencies faced by in-house counsel, today - from waiting for vendors to load data or provide platform access, to scrambling, to keeping up with advancing technologies, and managing data security risks - it’s a lot. The average in-house counsel team isn’t just dealing with these inefficiencies on large litigations, they’re encountering these issues in even the smallest compliance and internal investigations matters.self-service, spectra solutions offer an opportunity to streamline eDiscovery programs, allowing in-house legal teams to get back to the business of case management and legal counseling. It’s understandable we’re witnessing more and more companies moving to this model.So, once your organization has decided it is ready to step into the future and take advantage of the benefits self-service, spectra eDiscovery solutions have to offer, what’s next? Below, I’ve outlined three best practices for implementing a self-service, spectra eDiscovery solution within your organization. While any organizational change can seem daunting at the outset, keeping the below tips in mind will help your company seamlessly move to a self-service, spectra model.1. Define how you leverage your self-service, spectra eDiscovery solution to scale with ease.One of the key benefits of a quality self-service, spectra solution is that it puts your organization back in the eDiscovery driver’s seat. You decide what cases you will handle internally, with the advantage of having access to an array of eDiscovery expertise and matter management services when needed, even if that need arises in the middle of an ongoing matter. Cloud-based self-service, spectra solutions can readily handle any amount of data, and a quality self-service, spectra solution provider will be able to seamlessly scale up from self-service, spectra to full-service without any interruption to case teams.Having a plan in place regarding how and when you will leverage each of these benefits (i.e. self-service, spectra vs. full-service) will help you manage internal resources and implement a pricing model that fits your organization’s needs.2. Select a pricing model that works for your organization.Every organization’s eDiscovery business is different and self-service, spectra pricing models should reflect that. After determining how your organization will ideally leverage a self-service, spectra platform, decide what pricing model works best for that type of utilization. self-service, spectra solution providers should be able to provide a variety of licensing options to choose from, from an a la cart approach to subscription and transaction models.Prior to communicating with your potential solution provider, define how you plan to leverage a self-service, spectra solution to meet your needs. Then you can consider the type of support you require to balance your caseload with team resources and prepare to talk to providers about whether they can accommodate that pricing. Once you have on-boarded a self-service, spectra solution, be sure to continue to evaluate your pricing model, as the way you use the solution may change over time.3. Discuss moving to a self-service, spectra model with your IT and data security teams .Another benefit of moving to a self-service, spectra model is eliminating the burden of application and infrastructure management. Your in-house teams will be able to move from maintaining (and paying for) a myriad of eDiscovery technologies to a single platform providing all of the capabilities you need without the IT overhead. In effect, moving to a self-service, spectra solution gives your team access to industry-leading eDiscovery technology while removing the cost and hassle of licensing and infrastructure upkeep.A self-service, spectra model also allows you to transfer some of your organization’s data security risk to a solution provider. You gain peace of mind knowing your eDiscovery data and the supporting tech is administered by a dedicated IT and security team in a state-of-the-art IT environment with best-in-class security certifications.Finally, to ensure your organization can realize the full benefit of moving to a self-service, spectra solution, it’s imperative that your IT team has a seat at the table when selecting a solution platform. They can help to ensure that whatever service is selected can be fully and seamlessly integrated into your organization’s systems. Keeping these tips in mind as your organization begins its self-service, spectra journey will help you realize the benefits that a quality self-service, spectra eDiscovery platform can provide. For more in-depth guidance on migrating to self-service, spectra platforms, Brooks Thompson’s blog posts discussing tips for overcoming self-service, spectra objections and building a self-service, spectra business case.ediscovery-review; ai-and-analyticsself-service, spectra, blog, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analyticsself-service, spectra; bloglighthouse
eDiscovery and Review
AI and Analytics

Four Ways a SaaS Solution Can Make In-House Counsel Life Easier

Your team is facing a wall of mounting compliance requirements and internal investigations, as well as a few larger litigations you fear you may not be able to handle given internal resource constraints. Each case involves unwieldy amounts of data to wade through, and that data must be collected from constantly-evolving data sources—from iPhones to Microsoft Teams to Skype chats. You’re working with your IT team to ensure your company’s most sensitive data is protected throughout the course of all those matters.All of this considered, your team is faced with vetting eDiscovery vendors to handle the large litigation matters and ensuring those vendors can effectively protect your company’s data. Simultaneously, you are shouldering the burden of hosting a separate eDiscovery platform for internal investigations with a legal budget that is already stretched thin. Does this sound familiar? Welcome to the life of a modern in-house attorney. Now more than ever, in-house counsel need to identify cost-effective ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their eDiscovery matters and investigations with attention to the security of their company’s data. This is where adopting a cloud-based self-service, spectra eDiscovery platform can help. Below, I’ve outlined how moving to this type of model can ease many of the burdens faced by corporate legal departments.1. The Added Benefit of On-Demand Scalability‍A cloud-based, self-service, spectra platform provides your team the ability to quickly transfer case data into a cutting-edge review platform and access it from any web browser. You’re no longer waiting days for a vendor to take on the task with no insight into when the data will be ready. With a self-service, spectra solution, your team holds the reigns and can make strategic decisions based on what works best for your budget and organization. If your team has the bandwidth to handle smaller internal investigations but needs help handling large litigations, a scalable self-service, spectra model can provide that solution. If you want your team to handle all matters, large and small, but you worry about collecting from unique sources like Microsoft Teams or need help defensibly culling a large amount of data in a particular case, a quality self-service, spectra provider can handle those issues and leave the rest to you. In short, a self-service, spectra solution gives you the ability to control your own fate and leverage the eDiscovery tools and expertise you need, when you need them. 2. Access to the Best eDiscovery Tools – Without the Overhead Costs A robust self-service, spectra eDiscovery solution gives your team access to the industry’s best eDiscovery tools, enabling you to achieve the best outcome on every matter for the most efficient cost. Whether you want to analyze your organization’s entire legal portfolio to see where you can improve review efficiency across matters, or you simply want to leverage the best tools from collection to production, the right solution will deliver. And with a self-service, spectra model, your team will have access to these tools without the burden of infrastructure maintenance or software licensing. A quality self-service, spectra provider will shoulder these costs, as well as the load of continuously evaluating and updating technology. Your team is free to do what it is does best: legal work.3. The Peace of Mind of Reliable Data Security In a self-service, spectra eDiscovery model, your service provider shoulders the data security risk with state-of-the-art infrastructure and dedicated IT and security teams capable of remaining attentive to cybersecurity threats and evolving regulatory standards. This not only allows you to lower your own costs and free up valuable internal IT resources, but also provides something even more valuable than cost savings—the peace of mind that comes with knowing your company’s data is being managed and protected by IT experts.4. Flexible, Predictable Pricing and Lower Overall Costsself-service, spectra pricing models can be designed around your team’s expectations for utilization—meaning you can select a pricing structure that fits your organization’s unique needs. From pay-as-you-go models to a subscription-based approach, self-service, spectra pricing often differs from traditional eDiscovery pricing in that it is clear and predictable. This means you won’t be blindsided at the close of the month with hidden charges or unexpected hourly fees from a law firm or vendor. Add this type of transparent pricing to the fact that you will no longer be shouldering technology costs or paying for vendor services you don’t need, and the result is a significantly lower eDiscovery overhead that can fit within any legal budget. These four benefits can help corporations and in-house counsel teams significantly improve eDiscovery efficiency and reduce costs. For more information on how to move your organization to a self-service, spectra eDiscovery model, be sure to check out our other articles related to the self-service, spectra eDiscovery revolution – including tips for overcoming self-service, spectra objections and building a self-service, spectra business case.ediscovery-review; ai-and-analyticsself-service, spectra, blog, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analyticsself-service, spectra; bloglighthouse
eDiscovery and Review
AI and Analytics

Legal Operations Change Management: Getting Your Idea Approved At Your Organization

Legal operations change management is one of the biggest challenges that professionals face according to a poll at the most recent CLOC conference. This isn’t surprising given that organizational change management is an often analyzed topic with a plethora of opinions about ways to accomplish it. There is no magic bullet to force a change in your legal department, however, growing your influence across legal operations and your organization can certainly help. Here are five steps to grow that influence and get people to modify their behaviors.Step 1: Get Clear About the Problem & Root CauseWhether you are tired of hearing about the myriad of issues with your contract lifecycle management or e-billing tool or you have been tasked with centralizing outside counsel selection and management, the first step remains the same. You must get clear in your own mind about what it is that you’re trying to change – both the problem complained about and the root cause of said problem. When starting out you should brainstorm and be liberal with your ideas, jot down anything that comes to mind, both problem and potential causes, and then ask others for their thoughts. Getting various opinions will help you to clarify the issue in your own mind. Once you have a page or two of related ideas, review all the notes and come to a final conclusion about the problem you are trying to solve and its root cause. Write this down in a succinct 1-3 sentence statement.Step 2: Create Your HypothesisThis second step also involves brainstorming. Go through the same process as step one by jotting down any ideas to solve your succinct problem statement. Again, you may want to ask a legal operations colleague (or two) for their thoughts. You may also want to observe people completing the task(s) you’re trying to change so that you can come up with some ideas of ways to solve the problem you have identified. For example, if you are targeting changing the matter management tool, you will want to understand the nature of the matters involved, understand what people are using the tool for, and create a hypothesis around the new tool you want to implement. Once you have your list, cull it down to 1-3 potential solutions to test.Step 3: Test Your HypothesisNext, take your 1-3 potential solutions and test them out. The first way to test is to reach out to other legal operations professionals and/or service providers outside your organization to see if the solution has worked for others. Next, if you can, test it out yourself in your organization. This doesn’t necessarily mean you will implement a sample of a new tool, but that you will demoing the tool and get an understanding of what you would need to implement this solution at your organization.Step 4: Create and Deliver Your PitchNow that you are the expert on the problem and have a well thought out solution, you need to convince others. The best way to do that is to tell a story that includes the following:what you saw (the problem);how pervasive the problem is (# of people impacted);the cost of the problem (time/money);the proposed solution;the benefit of this solution;why this solution over the other 2-3 good solutions; and what is needed to implement this solution. Once you have this together, determine who you will have to convince. Start with your boss, any budget owners, and any leaders whose teams will be directly impacted. Before you share the presentation, make sure that you understand what each of these group’s reactions may be so that you can tailor your verbal commentary to address their comments. If you don’t know the attendees’ potential reactions, you should consider doing some due diligence beforehand. The most effective way I have found to do this is to start with your boss. Share the general ideas of your presentation with them and ask them how others will react. If they are not sure, you can start with a peer in legal or another department or have informal conversations with the attendees before the actual presentation. Investing time in these “pre-pitches” will ensure a successful end result. Make sure you incorporate any feedback from these pre-pitches into the ultimate presentation.Step 5: Brag About Your ResultsAfter a successful presentation, procurement, and implementation, don’t forget to share the wins of your project. Specifically, share with the same people you pitched at the outset but also share the results with anyone whose behavior you have already or are still trying to change. Sharing any wins will reinforce the new behaviors you are trying to implement. Tie those wins back to the original presentation and the results you were anticipating. This showing of success (and of credibility of your original pitch) will have a positive impact on your reputation and ability to influence future change. You will develop a reputation for getting positive results and people will be excited to try what you have up your sleeve. legal-operationslegal-ops, blog, legal-operations,legal-ops; bloglighthouse
Legal Operations

How to Overcome Common eDiscovery Challenges for Franchises

Co-authored by Hannah Fotsch, Associate, Lathrop GPM; Samuel Butler, Associate, Lathrop GPM; and Casey Van Veen, Vice President Global eDiscovery Solutions, Lighthouse2020 has been an incredibly tough year for many businesses, with companies big and small shuttering at a record pace due to COVID-19 restrictions and significant reductions in customer travel and spending. But there is one surprising business type that many people seem to want to continue to invest in despite the pandemic: the franchise business model.For example, both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and recently highlighted franchise-model businesses that were not only surviving the pandemic and associated lockdowns, but thriving. And in fact, one of those thriving franchise business types called out by the authors was franchise consulting businesses (consultants that help match aspiring franchise owners with franchise opportunities). Apparently, the pandemic has actually increased investment interest in franchise opportunities.There may be a few different reasons why people are looking to the franchise business model during an economic downturn. Many franchise businesses have the benefit of a widely known name brand and market presence. Many have the benefit of leveraging a fully baked business model ‚Äì one that has presumably already been proven successful. Many also have more support than solo businesses in a variety of key business development areas, including marketing, advertising, and training. In short, the franchise business model may have more appeal during this economic upheaval than a solo business model because people trust the support it can provide in times of economic trouble.However, there are still several common pitfalls that can drag profits down and slow economic growth, leaving the franchise model just as exposed to failure as a solo business model in this time of economic uncertainty. One of those pitfalls is litigation and internal investigations, and the resulting eDiscovery challenges those two can raise. Not only do businesses operating within a franchise model face the same types of litigation and employee workplace issues that all other businesses face ‚Äì they may also have to deal with added litigation that is unique to the franchisor-franchisee relationship. All of this means increased cost and overhead, especially when it comes to preserving, collecting, reviewing, and producing the required data during the discovery phase.In this article, we discuss the legal eDiscovery challenges and the primary legal issues that we see affecting franchise businesses, large and small. We‚Äôll also provide best-practice tips that can help keep eDiscovery costs down and enable franchise businesses to utilize their advantage and continue to survive and thrive during this trying time.Legal eDiscovery ChallengesThere are four main challenges we see affecting franchise businesses currently: (1) the explosion of data sources; (2) the increased frequency of internal investigations and compliance matters; (3) the lack of a playbook to ensure discovery is managed in a low risk, low-cost manner; and (4) big data challenges.Explosion of Data SourcesWalk through any franchise store, restaurant, or facility today and you will be amazed at the number of devices and systems that must be contemplated in discovery.Fixed systems on property: Video security, card key access, time clock, email, and desktop computersCloud-based systems: Many of the above systems can also be found in the Cloud along with M365 and Google Suite of business documents, email, collaboration tools, and backupsEmployee sources: Personal email, cell phones (video, app chat, texts), iPads, and tabletsCorporate maintained systems: Marketing documents, HR systems, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), proprietary training, and competitive analysis documentationMoreover, employees at different franchise businesses may often choose to communicate on different platforms, which can exponentially diversify data sources. This amount and variety of sources can pose a myriad of challenges from an eDiscovery perspective.The duty to preserve data begins as soon as litigation is ‚Äúreasonably foreseeable.‚Äù Thus, once an allegation that may lead to litigation surfaces, the clock begins ticking, not only to effectively respond to the allegation but also to ensure that evidentiary data at issue is preserved. And once discovery begins, that preserved data will need to be collected. All of this can present challenges for the ill-prepared: How do you collect data from employees‚Äô personal devices? What are the local state and federal rules regarding the privacy of personal devices? How does collecting the data differ from Apple device vs Android devices? The need to be aware of platforms that create data and the possibilities for collecting that data from them must be addressed before litigation begins, or businesses risk losing data that could be essential to litigation.Key takeaway: Know your data sources as a standard course of business. Make sure that you know where data resides, how it can be accessed, and what can and cannot be collected from data sources.Internal Investigations & Compliance MattersThere has been a drastic increase in internal investigations and compliance matters with franchise clients recently. Hotline and compliance phone line tips, allegations around employee theft, and suspected fraud are on the rise. The key to resolving these types of investigations quickly and cost efficiently is speed. Attorneys and company executives need to know as soon as possible: is there truly an issue, how far does it go, how long has it been happening, how many employees does this effect, and what is the exposure (financially, socially). It is important to develop workflows and tools to help decision-makers and their legal experts sift through the mountains of data quickly.To understand the importance of this, consider this example. A company sales representative leaves the business and does not disclose their next line of work. A tip line reveals they the representative may have left for a competitor. Shortly thereafter, business deals that were executed and even ones in the pipeline suddenly disappear to a competitor. The former employer quickly conducts a forensic investigation on the representative‚Äôs laptop computer. Despite their attempt to hide their activity, the investigation reveals that the representative had downloaded proprietary customer lists, price sheets, and other valuable IP during their last week of employment and had also moved large chunks of confidential information from the company‚Äôs servers to thumb drives and utilized their personal email to store work communications. Without a strategic plan in place laying out how to quickly execute a forensic internal investigation in this type of situation, the company would have lost substantial revenue to a competitor.Companies that are particularly concerned about former employees stealing proprietary information can even go further than creating an effective investigatory and remediation strategy ‚Äì putting a departing employee forensic monitoring program in place can prevent this time of abuse from happening in the first place.Key takeaway: Have a program in place to certify that departing employees leave with only their personal belongings and not proprietary company information.Lack of an eDiscovery PlaybookPlaybooks come in many forms today: user manuals, company directives, cooking instructions, and recipe guides. A successful playbook for the legal department will establish a practical process to follow should a legal or compliance issue arise. Playbooks, like a checklist for a pilot about to fly a plane, ensure that everyone is following a solid process to avoid risk. These documents also prevent rogue players from recreating the wheel and going down potentially expensive rabbit holes.Repetitive litigation situations are particularly well suited for acting according to playbooks, and standardizing the response to these situations helps to ensure the predictability of both outcomes and expenses. For example, these documents can be as granular as necessary but typically include a few key topics such as:The process for responding to a 3rd party subpoena, service, or allegation of wrongdoingThe company‚Äôs systems that are typically subject to discoveryIT contacts that can help gather the information/dataA list of service providers/trusted partners to assistStandard data processing and production specifications (i.e. time zone, global deduplication, single-page TIFF images 400 dpi, text, and metadata fields)Preferred technologies to search, review, and produce documents (i.e. Relativity)Key takeaway: Playbooks can shave days off of the engagement process with outside counsel and data management companies. Having a repeatable process and plan on day one will save time and money as well as reduce risk.Big Data ChallengesFranchisors face issues in litigation that are unique to the industry, from vicarious liability claims involving the actions of franchisees or their employees to the sheer unpredictability that comes from extensive business relationships involving franchisees of a breathtaking range of sophistication. An increase in litigation leads to an increase in data. Even a run-of-the-mill dispute can lead to the need to gather (and potentially review) more than 100,000 documents. Add one or two more small disputes, and the amount of data quickly becomes unmanageable (and expensive).Fortunately, there have been impressive advances in the field of advanced legal analytical and artificial intelligence (AI). These innovative eDiscovery tools can help legal professionals analyze data to quickly identify documents that are not important to the litigation or investigation (thereby eliminating the need to review them), as well find the ‚Äústory‚Äù within a data set. For example, some analytical tools can help identify code words that an employee might have used to cover up nefarious actions, or analyze communications patterns that allow attorneys to identify the bad actors in a given situation. Other tools now have the capability of analyzing all of the company‚Äôs previously collected and attorney-reviewed data, which substantially reduces the need for attorney review in the current matter.All of these tools work to reduce data burden, which in turn reduces costs and increases efficiency.Key takeaway: Take the time to learn what eDiscovery solutions are available on the market today and how you can leverage them before you are faced with a need to use them.To discuss this topic more, please feel free to reach out to me at ediscovery-review; ai-and-analyticscloud, ai-big-data, compliance-and-investigations, ediscovery-process, blog, ediscovery-review, ai-and-analyticscloud; ai-big-data; compliance-and-investigations; ediscovery-process; blogcasey van veen
eDiscovery and Review
AI and Analytics

TAR Protocols 101: Avoiding Common TAR Process Issues

A recent conversation with a colleague in Lighthouse’s Focus Discovery team resonated with me – we got to chatting about TAR protocols and the evolution of TAR, analytics, and AI. It was only five years ago that people were skeptical of TAR technology and all the discussions revolved around understanding TAR and AI technology. That has shifted to needing to understand how to evaluate the process of your team or of opposing counsel’s production. Although an understanding of TAR technology can help in said task, it does not give you enough to evaluate items like the parity of types of sample documents, the impact of using production data versus one’s own data, and the type of seed documents. That discussion prompted me to grab one of our experts, Tobin Dietrich, to discuss the cliff notes of how one should evaluate a TAR protocol. It is not totally uncommon for lawyers to receive a technology assisted review methodology from producing counsel – especially in government matters but also in civil matters. In the vein of the typical law school course, this blog will teach you how to issue spot if one of those methodologies comes across your desk. Once you’ve spotted the issues, bringing in the experts is the right next step.Issue 1: Clear explanation of technology and process. If the party cannot name the TAR tool or algorithm they used, that is a sign there is an issue. Similarly, if they cannot clearly describe their analytics or AI process, this is a sign they do not understand what they did. Given that the technology was trained by this process, this lack of understanding is an indicator that the output may be flawed.Issue 2: Document selection – how and why. In the early days of TAR, training documents were selected fairly randomly. We have evolved to a place now where people are being choosy about what documents they use for training. This is generally a positive thing but does require you to think about what may be over or under represented in the opposing party’s choice of documents. More specifically, this comes up in 3 ways:Number of documents used for training. A TAR system needs to understand what responsive and non-responsive looks like so it needs to see many examples in each category to approach certainty on its categorization. When using too small a sample, e.g. 100 or 200 documents, this risks causing the TAR system to incorrectly categorize. Although a system can technically build a predictive model from a single document, it will only effectively locate documents that are very similar to the starting document. The reality of a typical document corpus is that it is not so uniform as to rely upon the single document predictive model.Types of seed documents. It is important to use a variety of documents in the training. The goal is to have the inputs represent the conceptual variety in the broader document corpus. Using another party’s production documents, for example, can be very misleading for the system as the vocabulary used by other parties is different, the people are different, and the concepts discussed are very different. This can then lead to incorrect categorization of documents. Production data, specifically, can also add confusion with the presence of Bates or confidentiality stamps. If the types of seed documents/training documents used do not mirror typical types of documents expected from the document corpus, you should be suspicious.Parity of seed document samples. Although you do not need anything approaching the perfect parity of responsive and non-responsive documents, it can be challenging to use 10x the number of non-responsive versus responsive documents. This kind of disparity can distort the TAR model. It can also exacerbate either of the above issues, number, or type of seed documents.Issue 3: How is performance measured? People throw around common TAR metrics like recall and precision without clarifying what they are referring to. You should always be able to tell what population of documents these statistics relate to. Also, don’t skip over precision. People often throw out recall as sufficient, but precision can provide important insight into the quality of model training as well.By starting with these three areas, you should be able to flag some of the more common issues in TAR processes and either avoid them or ask for them to be remedied. ai-and-analytics; ediscovery-reviewanalytics, ai-big-data, tar-predictive-coding, blog, ai-and-analytics, ediscovery-reviewanalytics; ai-big-data; tar-predictive-coding; bloglighthouse
AI and Analytics
eDiscovery and Review

Five Common Mistakes In Keyword Search: How Many Do You Make?

When you’re a kid, you love easy games to learn and play, whether they’re interactive games, board games or card games. One of the first card games many kids learn how to play is “Go Fish.” It’s easy to learn because you simply ask the other player if they have any cards of a certain kind (e.g., “got any Kings?”) – if they do, you collect those cards from them; if they don’t, they say “Go Fish” and you have to draw a card from the deck and your turn ends. Easy, right?Conducting keyword searching without a planned, controlled process that includes testing and verifying the results is somewhat like playing “Go Fish” – you might get lucky and retrieve the documents you need to support your case (without retrieving too many others) and you might not. Yet many lawyers and legal professionals think they “get” keyword searching. Why? Because they learned keyword searching in law school using Westlaw and Lexis? Or they understand how to use “Google” to locate web pages related to their topics? But these examples are designed to identify a single item (or handful of items) related to one topic that you seek.Keyword searching for electronic discovery is about balancing recall and precision to produce a proportional volume of electronically-stored information (ESI) that is responsive to the case, which could be thousands or even millions of responsive documents, depending on the issues of the case.Five Common Keyword Searching MistakesWith that in mind, here are five common mistakes that lawyers and legal professionals make when conducting keyword searches:1. Poor Use of Wildcards: Wildcard characters can be helpful in expanding the scope of the search, but only if you use them well — and understand how they are applied by the search engine you’re using (warning: don’t use Google’s search engine as an exemplar). Poorly placed or ill-advised wildcard character(s) can completely blow up a search. A few years ago, there was a case where one of the goals was to identify documents that related to apps on devices (mobile and PC), so the legal team decided to use a search term “app*” to retrieve words like “app”, “application”, “apps”, etc. Great, right? Not when that same term also retrieves terms like “appear”, “apparent”, “applied”, “appraise”, etc. A better search in this case would have been (app or apps or application*). Make sure to think through word variability and consider word formulations that could be hit by the search. Also consider whether wildcard operators are attached at the appropriate place in the stem of a word so that all of the variants are hit. If not, the search might target too many unrelated words or omit words you want to capture.2. Use of Noise or Stop Words: To keep retrieval responsive even in large databases, most platforms don’t index certain common words that appear regularly (defined as “noise” or “stop” words), yet many legal professionals fail to exclude these noise words in the searches they conduct – yielding unexpected results. Search terms such as “management did” or “counseled out” won’t work if “did” and “out” are noise words that can’t be retrieved. There are typically 100 or more words that are not indexed by a typical platform, so it’s important to understand what they are and plan around them in creating searches that can get you as close as possible to your desired result.3. Starting with Searches That Are Too Broad: Another common mistake is to start with searches that are too broad, assuming that you’ll get a result that will be easy to narrow down through additional search. In fact, you may get a result that makes it nearly impossible to determine what might be causing your search to retrieve unexpected results. Keyword search works best when the hard work has been done up front, either by working with subject matter experts who have provided insight into likely vocabulary used (e.g., shorthand, code words, slang) or via a targeted exploration of the document population. That knowledge, coupled with the effective use of Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT, should enable you to craft initial searches that put targeted words in the appropriate context, increasing the likelihood that relevant material will be found at the outset. That result will provide the necessary fodder for developing additional searches that are more precise.4. Failing to Test What’s Retrieved: Many legal professionals create a search, perform that search and then proceed to review without testing the results. Performing a random sample on the results could quickly identify a search that is considerably overbroad and would result in a low prevalence rate of responsive documents, driving up costs for review and production. Testing the result set to ensure the search is properly scoped is well worth the time and effort to take that extra step in terms of potential cost savings. Better to review an extra few hundred documents than an extra hundred thousand documents.5. Failing to Test What’s Not Retrieved: It’s just as important to test the documents that were not retrieved in a search to identify areas that were potentially missed. Not only does a random sample of the “null set” help identify searches that were too narrow in scope, they also are important in addressing defensibility concerns related to your search process if it is challenged by opposing counsel.The ”Go Fish” analogy isn’t an original one – then New York Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck used it in his article Search, Forward over nine years ago (October 2011) when he observed that “many counsel still use the “Go Fish” model of keyword search.” If you’re making some of the mistakes listed above, you might be doing so as well. Proper keyword searching is an expert planned and managed process that avoids these mistakes to maximize the proportionality and defensibility of your discovery process. It’s not a kid’s game, so make sure you don’t treat it like one.ediscovery-reviewblog, -keyword-search, ediscovery-review,blog; keyword-searchlighthouse
eDiscovery and Review

Legal Tech Trends from 2020 and How to Prepare for 2021

Legal tech was no match for 2020. Everyone’s least favorite year wreaked havoc on almost every aspect of the industry, from data privacy upheavals to a complete change in the way employees work and collaborate with data.With the shift to a remote work environment by most organizations in the early spring of 2020, we saw an acceleration of the already growing trend of cloud-based collaboration and video-conferencing tools in workplaces. This in turn, means we are seeing an increase in eDiscovery and compliance challenges related to data generated from those tools – challenges, for example, like collecting and preserving modern attachments and chats that generate from tools like Microsoft Teams, as well compliance challenges around regulating employee use of those types of tools.However, while collaboration tools can pose challenges for legal and compliance teams, the use of these types of tools certainly did help employees continue to work and communicate during the pandemic – perhaps even better, in some cases, than when everyone was working from traditional offices. Collaboration tools were extremely helpful, for example, in facilitating communication between legal and IT teams in a remote work environment, which proved increasingly important as the year went on. The irony here is that with all the data challenges these types of tools pose for legal and IT teams, they are increasingly necessary to keep those two departments working together at the same virtual table in a remote environment. With all these new sources and ways to transfer data, no recap of 2020 would be complete without mentioning the drastic changes to data privacy regulations that happened throughout the year. From the passing of new California data privacy laws to the invalidation of the EU-US privacy shield by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) this past summer, companies and law firms are grappling with an ever-increasing tangle of regional-specific data privacy laws that all come with their own set of severe monetary penalties if violated. How to Prepare for 2021The key-takeaway here, sadly, seems to be that 2020 problems won’t be going away in 2021. The industry is going to continue to rapidly evolve, and organizations will need to be prepared for that.Organizations will need to continue to stay on top of data privacy regulations, as well as understand how their own data (or their client’s data) is stored, transferred, used, and disposed of.Remote working isn’t going to disappear. In fact, most organizations appear to be heading to a “hybrid” model, where employees split time working from home, from the office, and from cafes or other locations. Organizations should prepare for the challenges that may pose within compliance and eDiscovery spaces.Remote working will bring about a change in employee recruiting within the legal tech industry, as employers realize they don’t have to focus talent searches within individual locations. Organizations should balance the flexibility of being able to expand their search for the best talent vs. their need to have employees in the same place at the same time.Prepare for an increase in litigation and a surge in eDiscovery workload as courts open back up and COVID-related litigation makes its way to discovery phases over the next few months.AI and advanced analytics will become increasingly important as data continues to explode. Watch for new advances that can make document review more manageable.With continuing proliferation of data, organizations should focus on their information governance programs to keep data (and costs) in check.To discuss this topic further, please feel free to reach out to me at ai-and-analytics; ediscovery-review; legal-operationscloud, analytics, emerging-data-sources, data-privacy, ai-big-data, blog, ai-and-analytics, ediscovery-review, legal-operations,cloud; analytics; emerging-data-sources; data-privacy; ai-big-data; blogsarah moran
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Legal Operations

Law & Candor Season 6 is Now Available!

This eDiscovery Day, a day dedicated to educating industry professionals around growing trends and current challenges, we are excited to bring you season six of Law & Candor, the podcast wholly devoted to pursuing the legal technology revolution.Co-hosts, Bill Mariano and Rob Hellewell, are back for another riveting season of Law & Candor with six easily digestible episodes that cover a range of hot topics such as how cellular 5G increases fraud and misconduct risk to tackling modern attachment challenges in G-Suite, Slack, and Teams. This dynamic duo, alongside industry experts, discuss the latest topics and trends within the eDiscovery, compliance, and information governance space as well as share key tips for you and your team to take away. Check out season six's lineup below:Does Cellular 5G Equal 5x the Fraud and Misconduct Risk?Cross-Border Data Transfers and the EU-US Data Privacy Tug of WarReducing Cybersecurity Burdens with a Customized Data Breach WorkflowTackling Modern Attachment and Link Challenges in G-Suite, Slack, and TeamsThe Convergence of AI and Data Privacy in eDiscovery: Using AI and Analytics to Identify Personal InformationAI, Analytics, and the Benefits of TransparencyCheck them out now or bookmark them to listen to later. Follow the latest updates on Law & Candor and join in the conversation on Twitter. Catch up on past seasons by clicking the links below:Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Special Edition: Impacts of Covid-19For questions regarding this podcast and its content, please reach out to us at, cybersecurity, analytics, g-suite, ai-big-data, cloud-security, cloud-migration, phi, pii, blog, ediscovery-review,microsoft; cybersecurity; analytics; g-suite; ai-big-data; cloud-security; cloud-migration; phi; pii; bloglighthouse
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